Essential Do’s and Dont’s of a Good Mentor​

mentor Hellowiz

Table of Contents

What a mentor DOES

Listen: function as a sounding board for problems and ideas.

Criticize constructively: point out areas that need improvement, always focusing on the mentee’s behavior, never his/her character.

Support and facilitate: provide networking experience; share knowledge of the system; offer assistance where needed.

Teach by example: serve as a model for adhering to the highest values in every area of life.

Encourage and motivate: help mentees to consistently move beyond their comfort zone.

Promote independence: give their mentees every opportunity to learn by experience.

Promote balance: serve as a model for balance between professional and personal needs and obligations.

What a mentor DOES NOT do

Take pride in the success of their mentees:
recognize that students may rise to greater levels than those who trained them.

Protect from experience: do not assume the role of problem solver for the mentees

Take over: do not do what the mentees should be doing themselves.

Force: do not attempt to force a mentee in one direction.

Use undue influence: do not use a sense of obligation to influence the mentee’s professional decisions.

Lose critical oversight:
do not allow friendship to shade over into favoritism.

do not convey to the mentees that honest mistakes are career-altering disasters.


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